How LASIK Benefits Athletes

Athletes who live in Manchester and those located near Londonderry and Derry might consider LASIK surgery for a variety of reasons. Like other LASIK patients, athletes can benefit from significant improvements in their quality of life. LASIK eye surgery brings freedom from dependency on eyeglasses and contact lenses. For athletes in particular, LASIK eye surgery might help these patients elevate their game to a higher level.

Convenience of Worry-Free Vision Laski Eye Surgery in Derry, Windham, & Londonderry, NH

With LASIK eye surgery, there is no longer any need for athletes to worry about complications related to eyeglasses or contact lenses. For example, swimmers simply can’t wear eyeglasses to compete; they must wear contact lenses. Unfortunately, there are several good reasons why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended that consumers avoid wearing contact lenses while swimming . Doing so can place these individuals at risk of eye infections and even corneal ulcers. While contact lenses are a good choice for many ophthalmology patients, athletes can benefit from the worry-free convenience offered by LASIK eye surgery.

Possibility of Eye Irritation

Athletes from all different sports activities can benefit from LASIK, not just swimmers. LASIK eliminates the possibility of eye irritation from contact lenses while participating in sports activities. This is a particular area of concern for outdoor athletes, who are exposed to wind, dust, dirt, and similar problems. Wind and airborne pollutants can easily irritate the eyes, especially when the individual is wearing contact lenses.

Risk of Eye Injuries

Some athletes might choose to become LASIK eye surgery patients because they wish to protect their eyes from possible injuries. LASIK can be considered a much safer choice than eyeglasses while playing sports, particularly when there is a possibility that the athlete will fall down or sustain a blow to the face. In these situations, there is always the chance that the eyeglasses will shatter and inflict serious injuries to the eyes that might result in permanent vision loss. After undergoing LASIK eye surgery, athletes can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing that this is no longer a concern.