• Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Children

    Consider that around 80% of learning is visual, and 60% of children with learning difficulties have undiagnosed vision problems. You can bet the two are related. The connection between vision problems and learning disabilities stems from the fact that children often don’t self-report. When they struggle with visual tasks, they may not understand the problem stems […]

  • Finding the Perfect Glasses for Your Child

    Taking your child for regular eye exams is important, especially because children’s vision is constantly developing. Seeing an eye doctor regularly can help catch problems before they interfere with your child’s school performance, and your doctor can determine whether or not your child needs glasses. If it’s determined that glasses are required, though, it will […]

  • Contact Lenses for Kids in Southern NH

    Can Kids Wear Contacts?

    If the eye doctor tells you that your child needs corrective lenses, your first thought is probably that he or she will wear eyeglasses. In many cases, especially for very young children, glasses are the most practical solution. For some kids, though, contact lenses can have advantages. Is there a right age for contacts, and […]

  • Back to School Eye Exams in Southern NJ

    Importance of Back-to-School Eye Exams

    The to-do list is long when it’s time for kids to head back to school. There are supplies to buy, a wardrobe to replenish, teachers to meet, and bedtimes to resume. A physical is probably on your list, but it’s equally important not to skip the eye exam. Why is it so important for kids […]