How Crizal Prevencia Can Protect Your Eyes

In the 21 st century, most Americans spend at least part of their day looking at an electronic device—a computer screen, a tablet, a mobile device, a television. What most of us don’t think about is the long-term effect that these activities may have on our vision. Crizal Prevencia is a special kind of lens that is designed to block certain types of light from hitting your eye, thus saving it from potential damage. You can learn more about this lens by speaking with an eye specialist at an eye clinic near Derry. Here is a brief introduction to Crizal Prevencia and how it can help to protect your vision. protect your eye

Blue light and vision problems. We tend to associate blue with positive emotions, and thus it makes sense that blue light would be beneficial—and Blue-Turquoise Light, as it is referred to on the light spectrum, is indeed soothing and even healthy to be exposed to. Blue-Violet Light, however, may have a harmful effect on your vision over time. Prolonged exposure to this harsher light can lead to macular degeneration later in life.

Selective filtering and your eyes. It might seem like a challenge to filter out one type of blue light and allow another type to pass through, but Crizal Prevencia does precisely that. This lens enables you to get all of the benefits of Blue-Turquoise Light while cutting down on much of the Blue-Violet Light that your eyes would otherwise be exposed to.

Crizal Prevencia and health benefits. Crizal Prevencia is a good option for anybody who uses an electronic device regularly and wishes to protect their eyesight. Children whose vision is still developing can especially benefit from using the lens, as can people who use a computer for work and people whose eyes are highly light-sensitive. If you’d like to learn more, talk to your eye doctor.